代替名: The genius magician gracefully kneels down, holding the hand of a girl whose engagement was broken off and forced out of her home.
ジャンル: 異世界,魔法,家族,婚約破棄
状態: 0
閲覧数: 69
更新日時: 1 月前
代替名: I've been targeted since before I was reincarnated!!
ジャンル: SF・ファンタジー,転生,少女,結婚,婚約破棄,ヤンデレ,神話,レジーナ,ストーカー,前世,神父
閲覧数: 52
代替名: In his second time in another world, he used to be a boy and becomes an older knight who dotes on him.
ジャンル: 異世界,SF・ファンタジー,恋愛,婚約破棄,純愛,ヤンデレ
閲覧数: 2K
代替名: The malice of breaking the engagement will be returned from the brothel.
ジャンル: 異世界,SF・ファンタジー,ラブコメ,恋愛,婚約破棄
閲覧数: 1K