呪い。 辛酸・後悔・恥辱…。人間の負の感情から生まれる 禍々しきその力は、人を死へと導く。 ある強力な「呪物」の封印が解かれたことで、 高校生の虎杖は、呪いを廻る戦いの世界へと入っていく…! 異才が拓く、ダークファンタジーの新境地! Yuuji, a student at Sugisawa Town #3 High School, happens to be ultra-talented at track and field… But since he has no interest in running around in circles, he’s happy as a clam being a member of the Occult Research Club! Although he only joined up for kicks, things start to get serious when an actual spirit shows up at the school.
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