普通の高校生玖珂無色は、下校途中に不思議な空間に迷い込んでしまう。そこには、一人の血まみれの少女が倒れていた! 彼女は死にゆく間際に、無色にささやく。 「君に、わたしの世界を託す――」 そこで気を失ってしまった無色が目を覚ますと、なんと彼は死んだはずの少女の姿になっていた! しかもその少女の正体は、世界最強の魔女、久遠崎彩禍その人で…!? 「デート・ア・ライブ」の橘公司が贈る、最強の初恋! ここに開幕!! Two Bodies in OneWith looks to die for, Saika Kuozaki is the most powerful mage in existence and the only one who can thwart the annihilation factors that attempt to destroy the world once every three hundred hours. When Saika is mortally wounded, however, she bequeaths both her powers and body to the normal high school boy who happens to find her, Mushiki Kuga. Just because Mushiki inherits her abilities, though, doesn’t mean he can control them. To stand a chance of saving the world, Mushiki will have to attend an academy for mages as Saika—while trying to keep his true identity under wraps
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