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【5月16日】僕のヒーローアカデミア 第423話
【5月16日】呪術廻戦 第260話
【5月23日】ワンピース 第1115話


評価: 4/5 - 1 投票数.


Modern Japan is infested with "vampires" who mimic humans and eat them. There were girls who secretly fought with silver weapons in hand to hunt them down! A unit of "problem children" among vampire exterminators, commonly known as "Madara-sou". The new person assigned there is Reo, a girl with a secret. The woman she met there, Kaori Kiriya, was one of the most “dangerous'' women in Madarasou… Exciting, extreme, and sometimes friendship. Hunt, hunt, hunt! Girly “vampire” action!!


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